Week 14 Part B: What we Learn from FaceBook Analytics
I was having trouble with my Facebook account, so I decided to analyze the Data Report from the brewing company. There is a lot to look at and analyze in the data. The data for the brewing company is from November 2nd - November 29th, 2020. It is important to note that this is during the pandemic, which could alter some of the data. There have been several restrictions being put in place and lifted frequently. Such as, no in-door dining, no out-door dining, take-out only, or restaurants having to be completely closed. Lack of business at the brewery affects what content can be posted online. When there isn't as much happening at the brewing company there is not much to post.
In this time period, the brewery's Facebook page has had a decrease of 7% in people reached, increase of 83% in post engagements and a decrease of 33% in page likes. The Facebook page reached 4,267 people, had 387 post engagements and 12 likes. While two of the three decreased from the previous time period, the increase was significant. The increase in post engagements makes sense, because at the time most people were unable to work and in quarantine. This caused a lot of spare time, for things such as Facebook. I would categorize this as an overall positive for the page.
The insights also show a breakdown of those who are viewing the page. There is total people who viewed, by section, by age and gender by country, by city, and by device. The only one displayed in the pdf of the data is by device. Those who are viewing the brewery company's Facebook are primarily on mobile devices, and some on computers. This is interesting to note, it could be taken into account when choosing what to post. To be aware that most will be viewing it on a smaller screen. For example, don't post a picture of smaller subject far away, because it won't be as easy to see.
The data is then broken down by post. Each posts includes the day and time it was published, type, targeting, reach, engagement, and the option to promote. It is interesting to see all of this data together. From this I have noticed a pattern, that posts made later in the day reach more people. Specifically, after 1:00pm. They also receive the most engagement. Meaning the most post clicks, reactions, comments, and shares. This tells me that it would be more effective for the business to post later in the afternoon.
As of November 29, 2020 the page has 12,264 followers. Throughout November there was a combination of organic, meaning not bought, followers and unfollows. In terms of page followers the insights display what days of the week followers are online and what time. Also, the number of people who saw content on your page on certain days. Similar to the pattern I noticed in the brake down of each individual post, this can serve to help knowing when to post. It seems that the amount of people active on any single day is around 9,650. Since every day is so similar, it does not matter what day something is posted. However, people are more active between 9:00am and 9:00pm. The most active being between 6:00pm and 8:00pm. With that being said, it would be best to post in that time frame.
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