Week 9 Part B: Using Categories
To stay organized and reach my target audience on any blog/vlog/podcast or webinars I would use the categories "wedding set-up", "weddings", "special events", "behind the scenes", "the crew", and "in the garden". These categories cover the passion behind what started the business in "in the garden". This would target people who are also passionate about floral design and nature or those who are interested in more of a personal aspect of our business. "Behind the scenes" is more of an entertainment category that will show how we prepare for events and the inner-functionings of the business. "The crew" is another personal touch that introduces our customers to who will participate in creating their special event. "Wedding set-up" would also be a sneak peek at a behind the scenes of putting together a wedding. I say sneak peak, because we do not ever show too much of the wedding before hand. We want the couple and their guests to experience it and post it first as it is their day to enjoy. Finally, "weddings" and "special events" would be pictures of our work at the actual event after it has passed. These categories work together to add both personal touches and display our product to star organized and reach our target audience.
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