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Week 17: Wrapping It Up

  This course was very eye opening for me. I already somewhat understood that social media is beneficial to business, but I this course proved to me why it is. Over the course of this semester I started to realize that we need to use all our social media platforms to their full potential. I always just stuck with Instagram because that is what it felt like people used most. I know think that it felt that way because that is where we were posting most. If we had been posting as frequently on other platforms it wouldn't feel that way. Due to this we have made an effort to be more active and up to date on other platforms. I have yet to see a direct impact on our business from social media. We are extremely busy this year, but I am not sure if that is because of social media specifically. It is most likely because now that restrictions are being lifted weddings and events that were postponed in 2020 and new events are both being booked in 2021. This makes for double the amount of ...

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